What can I say, I forgot I had a blog. With three kids, Dave working long hours and Drew being, well, Drew.....who can blame me. but I have vowed to bring the blog back, writing is therapeutic and I need any type of therapy I can get ;)
So let's play catch up....Drew is here! What a surreal, amazing experience his birth was. I was induced at 37 weeks due to pre-e. Induction was long and tiring, but relatively pain free. I went in at 8am on Monday 2/8/10 and started the process. I felt my first twinge of pain/contraction at 1:36 Tuesday am 2/9/10 and my beautiful baby boy was born at 2:16 a mere 40 minutes from my first labor pain. Not knowing the gender of Drew was a.m.a.z.i.n.g. We have now experienced it both ways and I am honestly sad that we won't be able to do it that way again! Hearing Dave yell "It's a Boy!!" was by far one of the best experiences EVER!

Drew David Askren
2:16am 2/9/10
7lbs 0.4oz 19.5in
The girls love their brother to pieces. Ella was a bit standoffish, but has come around and loves him. Ava has been mother hen from the start.

The girls are doing well. Ava is going to be 4 in May. It's amazing how fast she is growing. Ella turned 2 in December. She is so strong willed, she reminds me so much of my sister. The girls love each other - they are definitely best friends. They have such a bond with each other that I love to watch grow.

I am planning to update this more often now, so check back often!!

Welcome Back! :)